
CTMA-Canadian Tooling & Machining Assoc.

The Canadian Tooling & Machining Association (CTMA) was established in 1963 by uniting various trade associations into one strong organization that represented the “Tooling Industry” in Canada.

The tooling industry encompasses all involved in the design, manufacture, repair, or assembly of tools, dies, moulds, models, patterns, jigs, fixtures, gauges, machinery, machining systems, robotics, automation equipment, machine shop products, cutting tools and all related industries and service providers including general jobbing.

Membership is restricted to manufacturers and industry suppliers as associate members to ensure that the CTMA will always be devoted to manufacturing in the tooling and machining sectors in Canada.

Membership has continued to increase and this has resulted in the formation of Chapters in Windsor, Toronto and Western Ontario. These chapters meet on a regular basis and provide networking opportunities for members.

The NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS for CTMA is elected from the general membership. The Board represents the different industries involved in the manufacture of tooling and machine shop products.

140 McGovern Drive, Unit #3

Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 Canada

Phone: (519) 653-7265

Sales Contact

Julie McFarlane
